The Ultimate Guide to Knife Sharpening: Techniques, Tools, and Tips for Razor-Sharp knives

Written by Matt Leung
Posted on March 28, 2023


A razor-sharp knife is a game-changer in any kitchen or workshop, ensuring precision and efficiency in every task. Whether you’re a professional chef or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the science behind knife sharpening techniques and tools is crucial for maintaining your blades’ optimal performance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fundamentals of knife sharpening, exploring the principles behind various methods and tools, and providing invaluable insights to help you keep your knives in peak condition. This is the ultimate guide to knife sharpening!

The Science of Knife Sharpening

Knife sharpening revolves around two primary principles:

  1. Abrasion: The process of removing material from the blade’s edge using a hard, abrasive surface, creating a new, sharper edge.
  2. Alignment: Straightening the microscopic teeth (burr) along the blade’s edge to maintain sharpness and cutting efficiency.

Understanding Blade Angles

The blade angle plays a crucial role in knife sharpening. It refers to the angle at which the blade’s edge is sharpened relative to the centerline of the blade. Different types of knives require varying blade angles based on their intended use.

  • Japanese knives: 15-20 degrees (sharper edge)
  • European knives: 20-25 degrees (durable edge)

Selecting the right angle for your knife impacts its performance, sharpness, and durability.

Knife Sharpening Techniques and Tools

There are several knife sharpening techniques and tools available, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Let’s explore some of the most popular methods:

person sliding a knife across a whetstone
1. Whetstones (Sharpening Stones)

Whetstones are flat, rectangular blocks made from natural or synthetic materials, available in various grit sizes.


  • Versatile: Suitable for sharpening various types of blades.
  • Customizable: Allows for precision control over the sharpening process and blade angle.
  • Wide range of grit sizes: Enables gradual refinement of the blade’s edge.


  • Learning curve: Requires practice and skill to master the technique.
  • Time-consuming: The process can be lengthy, especially for severely dull blades.

Want to learn the beginners guide to Whetstone Sharpening watch this video!

2. Honing Rods

Honing rods are cylindrical rods made from steel, ceramic, or diamond-coated material, primarily used for aligning the blade’s edge.


  • Easy to use: Requires less skill and technique compared to whetstones.
  • Quick maintenance: Ideal for regular touch-ups to keep knives sharp between sharpening sessions.


  • Limited sharpening capability: Not suitable for reprofiling or sharpening severely dull blades.
  • Risk of damaging the blade: Using excessive pressure or an incorrect angle can damage the knife’s edge.

Want to learn how to use a Honing rod/steel watch this video!

3. Pull-Through Sharpeners

Pull-through sharpeners feature a V-shaped slot with built-in abrasive materials.


  • User-friendly: Minimal skill required, making it suitable for beginners.
  • Portable: Compact and lightweight, perfect for on-the-go sharpening.
  • Consistent angle: The preset angle ensures consistent results.


  • Limited versatility: Not suitable for all types of knives or blade angles.
  • Less control: The preset angle and sharpening mechanism offer less control over the sharpening process compared to whetstones.

Watch a video on how easy a Work Sharp pull through knife sharpener is here!

4. Electric Knife Sharpeners

Electric knife sharpeners are automated devices that use motor-driven abrasive wheels to sharpen blades.


  • Time-efficient: Quickly sharpens knives, making it ideal for those with limited time or many knives to sharpen.
  • Easy to use: Requires minimal skill, making it beginner-friendly.
  • Consistent results: The automated sharpening process ensures consistent results


  • Expensive: Electric sharpeners tend to be more expensive than other sharpening tools.
  • Limited versatility: Not all electric sharpeners accommodate various knife types or blade angles.
  • Risk of over-sharpening: Automated sharpening can remove more material than necessary, reducing the knife’s lifespan.

Looking for one of the highest rated electric sharpeners by America’s Test Kitchen see why they rated Chef’s Choice Sharpening Station was their overall best pick here!

5. Stropping

Stropping is a technique used to polish and refine a blade’s edge after sharpening, involving running the blade’s edge along a piece of leather or other smooth material.


  • Enhances sharpness: Stropping can take a knife’s edge to the next level of sharpness.
  • Prolongs edge retention: A well-stropped blade tends to stay sharp longer.
  • Minimal material removal: Stropping removes very little material, preserving the blade’s integrity.


  • Learning curve: Requires practice to master the technique.
  • Additional step: Adds extra time and effort to the sharpening process.

Looking at how to strop a knife, check out this video!


Mastering the science of knife sharpening and familiarizing yourself with various techniques and tools is essential for maintaining your knives in top condition. From whetstones and honing rods to pull-through and electric sharpeners, each method offers unique benefits and drawbacks, depending on your skill level, time constraints, and knife type.

By learning the basics of blade angles, abrasion, and alignment, you’ll be better equipped to choose the right sharpening method for your knives and ensure optimal performance and longevity. Remember that regular maintenance and sharpening are crucial for preserving the quality of your knives, making your cutting tasks more enjoyable and efficient. So, sharpen up your skills and start enjoying the benefits of razor-sharp blades today!

If you would like professional sharpening done by us in Edmonton Alberta Canada just click here!

Check out our previous work here!

*** Knives picked up at customers home in the evenings will be delivered the following business day ***

Pick up and drop off deliveries require additional $20 on top of knife sharpening
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